For an approximate estimation of costs involved in filing your patent and trademark applications, simply fill in the information below. If you have any special requirements, or wish to discuss this matter in detail, please feel free to contact us at:
European patent application for invention
For an approximate estimation of costs involved in filing your patent application in Europe, simply fill in the information below and the total costs from filing to granting will be automatically calculated for you.
If you have any special requirements, or wish to discuss this matter in detail, please feel free to contact us directly:
- Agency fee
- Official filing fee
- Official fee for each page over 35
- Official fee for each claim over 15
- Official search fee
- Official designation fee
- Official fee for requesting examination
- Subtotal 1
2. Annuities
- Agency fee 3rd year
- Official fee 3rd year
- Agency fee 4th year
Official fee 4th year
- Agency fee 5th year
- Official fee 5th year
- Agency fee 6th year
Official fee 6th year
- Subtotal 2
3. Office Actions
- Agency fee for handling 2 Office Actions (average)
- Subtotal 3
4. Granting
- Agency fee
- Official fee
- Official fee for each page over 35
- Translation of the claims set into French and German
- Subtotal 4
1. Legalization
Legalization expenses are not incldued into the estimaiton and will be calculated seperately upon receiving the list of countries where you want to have patent protection. Legalization costs range from 300 to 2500 EUR per country, depending on country requirements.
2. Unitary Patent
Alternatively, the Applicant might consider obtaining a Unitary Patent. Our agency fee for filing the Unitary Patent request is 530 EUR regardless of the number of countries. No official fees are involved. A Power of Attorney will be required, however the Power of Attorney may be limited only to filing of the request for Unitary Effect. Please also note that the Unitary Patent request should contain a translation of the European patent. If the language of the proceedings of the European application was French or German, a full translation of the specification into English should be submitted. If the language of the proceedings is English, a full translation of the specification into any other official language of the European Union must be submitted. If our fee for preparing the translation is of interest, please let us know and we will provide a cost estimaiton
Eurasian patent
For an approximate estimation of costs involved in filing your Eurasian application for a patent valid throughout Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, simply fill in the information below and the total costs from filing to granting will be automatically calculated for you.
If you have any special requirements, or wish to discuss this matter in detail, please feel free to contact us directly:
- Preparing and filing the application
- Preparing and filing a request for examination
- Translation costs
- Subtotal 1
- Basic filing fee (RUB 50000)
Claims fee:
RUB 5500 per each claim over 5
RUB 6000 per each claim over 20
RUB 7000 per each claim over 50 - Basic examination fee (RUB 50000)
Claims fee: RUB
30000 for the 2nd independent claim
RUB 15000 for each independent claim over 2 - Subtotal 2
- Subtotal 3
- Our services for granting
- Subtotal 1
- Grant fee (RUB 30000)
- Publication fee (RUB 250 per each page over 35)
- Subtotal 2
- Courier delivery of a patent certificate
- Subtotal 3
Documents / Information we need to file an application
PCT application entering into the Regional Phase:
- PCT application number
- Names and addresses of applicant(s) and inventor(s) (unless the application is published)
- Description, claims, abstract, and drawings (unless the application is published)
- Amendments made after the international publication (if any);
- Amendments to be made during the National Entry
Regional applications:
- Names and addresses of applicant(s) and inventor(s)
- Description, claims, abstract, and drawings
- Certified copy of priority application(s) (when priority is claimed)
European Trademark
For an approximate estimate of costs and fees involved in filing your trademark application in EUIPO, simply fill in the information requested below and the total costs of filing will be automatically calculated for you.
If you have any special requirements, or wish to discuss this matter in detail, please feel free to contact us directly:
total ( preliminary search )
total ( filing & Registration )
1. Agency fees EUR
- Basic search fee
- Agency fee for additional classes
- Total for search EUR
1. Agency fees EUR
- Basic filing fee
- Filing fee for additional classes
- Claiming priority
- Subtotal 1
2. Official fees EUR
- Basic filing fee (EUR 850)
- Filing fee for one additional class (EUR 50)
- Filing fee for classes over 2 (EUR 150)
- Subtotal 2
3. Disbursements EUR
- Subtotal 3
- Total at Filing stage EUR
preliminary search
Filing stage
registration stage
Official fees are fixed in EUR and recalculated in USD on the basis of the current exchange rate.
Trademark registration total costs are provided for smooth registration. The costs of responding to Inquiries of the European Union Intellectual Property Office and handling Oppositions which can be submitted by third parties during the opposition period are calculated separately.
Translation of the first 100 words in the list of goods/services is included into the basic fee. The translation fee for each additional 100 words is USD18/EUR16.
Discounts are provided at filing several applications in the name of the same applicant at one time.
Documents / Information we need to file an application
- name and address of the applicant
- list of goods and/or services
- image of the trademark (for device and verbal & device trademarks)
- Certified copy of a priority application (if priority is claimed)