Legal assistants

Olga Zlobina

"Control and efficiency". Olga’s key to success are sociability, responsibility and an organised nature. Fluent in English, Olga is always…

3 года ago

Ludmila Uvarova

“Never ever give up!” Ludmila’s politeness, accuracy, friendliness, reliability, experience, openness to new knowledge make her a perfect assistant, in…

3 года ago

Larisa Fedotova

“A sine qua non for success is hard work”. With more than 25 years of IP practice, Larisa can solve…

3 года ago

Olga Zhigalova

"Working as quickly and efficiently as possible to achieve the best results". Olga joined PATENTICA in 2008 and her area…

3 года ago

Elina Smirnova

"Do what you love, love what you do". Elina’s three pillars of work style are responsibility, attention to details and…

3 года ago

Ekaterina Shteinmets

"You can do more than you think". Ekaterina handles prosecution of patent applications from receiving decisions to grant a patent…

3 года ago

Yulia Rudenko

"Better safe than sorry". Attention to detail, discipline and the ability to adapt in a difficult situation combined with legal…

3 года ago

Maria Merzlikina

"Efficient and to the point". Maria is an experienced assistant with nearly a decade of practice that allows her to…

3 года ago

Marina Areshko

"Love to work is … when you come to work with the feeling of happiness and leave for home with…

3 года ago

Viktoriya Tskhay

"Respect for ourselves guides our morals; respect for others guides our manners". Lorens Stern Victoria has wide knowledge and experience…

3 года ago